Showing posts with label Pics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pics. Show all posts

Sunday 27 July 2014

MaxBimmer Mid-Night Cruise 2014

MaxBimmer's Mid-Night Cruise took place last friday, at you guessed it, mid-night. Well shortly after mid-night, but close enough. The cars started to trickle in as the sun went down, by the end of the night there were easily 50+ cars. I managed to take a few shots throughout the night including a lineup of e9x M3 members from M3post and a line-up of all generation of M3s from the first gen e30 to the new M4.

Click to enlarge, close to 100 photos below...

Friday 18 July 2014

Ertefa's back - Will it last?

Fans from throughout our city finally got what they've been asking for since the beginning of the season, Ertefa's back. This mid-July start is a little later than I'm sure most would have liked as organizers most likely had trouble securing a venue for what has grown into GTA's largest automotive show? Line-ups stretched onto main roads and backed up traffic causing delays for local residents, not to mention the noise and attention seeking behaviour. I don't believe there was anything too out of hand but with a crowd this large, it must be difficult to control.

UPDATE: It's official, Ertefa will not be taking place next week:

Sunday 15 June 2014

Event Coverage: Bimmercruise 2014 Track Photos

Bimmercruise 2014 took place this past Saturday, known as the largest BMW show in Canada, took place at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park's newly renovated Driver Development track. The new track and facilities has upped the bar once again for race tracks in the GTA. Being more of a track enthusiast myself, I took more shots of cars doing what they do best. The first part of this coverage is dedicated to those who aren't afraid to drive their cars how they were meant to be driven.