
Sunday, 9 October 2011

Event Coverage: kPlayground Oct.8th Mosport DDT

This weekend turned out to be great weather wise, and what better way to enjoy it than to take a drive up to Mosport and check out all of the sweet rides and catch some track action on the Driver Development Track. I only had a couple of hours to spare before I had to head home to get ready for a wedding, but I did manage to snap over 250+ shots while I was there. Check them out after the break...

I'll start off with a few cars in the paddock area.

Always a good idea to check your fluid levels
and tire pressures before going on the track.
M&S S2k getting ready to head on the track..
Import Expo Time Attack RWD winning vette
Spencer giving a few pointers?
JDM Integra

Clean Focal Point STi

Civics being well represented as always...

Now on to the track to check out the action...

Jay from Stance Factory enjoying the top down in his M Roadster

'JST' a 'MINI'

Spencer throwing it in and getting some opposite lock action

I love clean track cars...


Spencer making his passenger hold on for the ride...

M&S Civic

I was hoping to see some drifting =)

M&S Skyline

Spencer kicking up his inside wheel...

Gleaming roadster looks at home on the track 

Check out the full unedited album here:
If you see your picture and would like a higher res version, send me a message on our facebook page or email

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